
Find out all you need to know about play corners, IKC's latest news and tips on how to add play value to your organisation. Discover it here!


IKC News |

STIHL invests in a play concept for the stores!

STIHL, garden tools and machines for private and professional use, is investing in an extra shopping experience with an IKC play concept.

Kinderhoek als onderdeel van een wachtruimte
IKC News |

A child-friendly environment at Hospital CWZ Nijmegen

In an interview with Annette Goosensen, Head of the Paediatrics Outpatient Clinic at the CWZ in Nijmegen, it is clearly stated how valuable a play concept…

Family Play Table
IKC News |

Sneak Peek! The Family Play Table!

IKC presents a new concept: The Family Play Table! At the Family Play Table your guests will encounter the board games of the past. The Family Play…

Eerste zelfbediendingswinkel
IKC News |

The evolution of the Supermarket

Week 45 was all about supermarkets with the event: 'Week of the Supermarket'. An event organised for the first time this year by the trade journal…

Kinderhoek als onderdeel van een wachtruimte bij de tandarts
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4 tips for dentists to take the fear of the dentist away from a child!

The feeling of fear rises, even before the children come into the dental practice. Their heart rate goes up and tears well up. It’s not uncommon for…

Unicef Report
IKC News |

Netherlands is the best place to be a child again!

Dutch children are rated as No. 1 again in well-being among 41 developed and emerging countries, a bringing the same UNICEF report said Thursday.

Duurzame Dinsdag in Nederland!
IKC News |

September 1st: Today is Sustainable Tuesday!

Today is Sustainable Tuesday!

Today is Sustainable Tuesday,…

IKC creëert een nieuw concept voor ouderen!
IKC News |

The corona crisis has severly hit the nursing industry!

This morning in the Dutch Financial Newspaper: The corona crisis has severely hit the nursing industry is under pressure and facing major choices.


Kinderhoek supermarkt Jumbo Cambuurplein
Blog |

5 locations with a family-oriented store design

Now that the summer holiday is here, it’s the perfect time to relax and pick up some annual chores. Your customers know their way to your store to get the…