IKC Projects
In our portfolio you can discover the play corners of other child-friendly entrepreneurs, become inspired and get new ideas for your own play corner!
Kids' corner at daycare facility Bloesem
Floor and wall decoration brings the room to life
The perfect play solution for restaurants
Give customers more time to shop with an indoor playground
C&A takes the youngest customers into account
Various C&A's worldwide opt for a children's corner
Learning playfully with educational play systems
Kids can learn about the national park
Indoor playground for furniture store Möbel Hesse
IKC adds an integrated play concept to Möbel Hesse
Undisturbed playing at der Brabander
Fun for children of all ages
Zuyderland hospital creates peace in the waiting room
IKC provides the Zuyderland hospital with play modules
An airport for kids at Geneva airport
IKC places an indoor playground in the form of an airport